Rickies.co v1.3 released

A new version of Rickies.co was just released. In version 1.3, your interactive picks are now persistent. Your manual states and scoring are stored in local storage so next time you visit the ungraded Rickies page (on the same device and app), your scores are still there.


A quick story upfront This week I made something that I thought looked pretty nice. It wasn’t very difficult for me and the end result was exactly how I wanted it to be. But my family really loved it. I got compliments and high praise from nearly all of them. Now, my family is always… Continue reading Achievements

Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted

John Lennon

I haven’t been doing much these last few days, and I really enjoyed it.

The most wonderful youth is a youthful mind when you are no longer young

Paul Leotard

Via Ben Bronsema quoting Paul Leotard at TEDxDelft.