You build a house on where the foundation is, not on where it’s not

Marc Tassoul on people’s strengths and weaknesses.

We where designing a game for new multidisciplinary design teams to get to know each other, as a sort of ice breaker. In (design) teams it’s always important to known and build on each others strengths.

Common sense is the least common of all senses

Important to keep in mind with a lot of things, but with designing in particular.

iOS 7

Wow! Just wow! The interface looks gorgeous, both the UI and the UX. It will take some getting used to, and yes, your mom and grandpa will call you (if they can find the Phone app), but I’m really looking forward to it. Apple has really kept their promise, and Jony Ive has outdone himself.… Continue reading iOS 7

If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up

Shia Labeouf

I first heard it applied to running, but it’s applicable to everything basically.